Would you like further information or do you have a special project?
Questions, proposals, and requests are all welcome!
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Joachim Knirsch-Haberstroh
Tel: +49 711 57 88 49 - 17
Mobile: +49 163 49789 17
E-mail: J.Knirsch(at)in2p.com
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frederik Hanel
Head of Technology and Sales
Tel: +49 711 57 88 49 - 11
Mobile: +49 151 287852 64
E-mail: F.Hanel(at)in2p.com
in2p GmbH
Waiblinger Straße 124
70734 Fellbach
Tel: +49 711 57 88 49 - 0
Fax: +49 711 57 88 49 - 49
E-mail: info@in2p.com